Tuesday, July 03, 2007

About Mosquitoes & Potty Training 101

Sean came up with a weird and funny idea on anti-mosquito repellent and "potty-instructions" today.

It was morning and there were mosquitoes buzzing around. I was irritated by them and Sean came to me and said, "Mummy, so many mosquitoes flying here and there la. Here, there, bite. Must use anti-mos (that's the repellent. It's a lotion.) and then when the mosquitoes bite, they died (he's still getting a feel of grammar!). And then they grow and eat vegetables!"

Later, we thought Aidan wanted to poop. I rushed him to the potty and took off his napkin and tried to get him to sit on the potty. Now, I'm having difficulty potty training him. The lil guy just won't sit on the pot when it's time to go but he'll sit on it at other times just for the fun of it! *sigh* This potty is shaped like a chair with handles at the sides. A proper "throne". haha!

Anyway, there I was trying to get Aidan to sit on the pot and Sean comes rushing in and said, "Aidan, I'll teach you to sit on the pot. First you sit down and then you landed and adjust and then berak!"

haha! The landed means when the bum touches the potty seat and adjust means adjust to sit comfortably!

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