Sunday, July 08, 2007

It has been 2 weeks

That was what Sean said to his dad two nights ago. We were in our car on the way home after visiting my in-laws when Sean suddenly said, "Daddy, my leg pain." His dad replied, "Oh, is it?" To which Sean very solemnly said, "It has been two weeks." We were really surprised because usually he'd say, "Ya, 2 weeks edi la."

A few minutes later, Jason said to me that his neck felt stiff. Before I could reply, Sean said, "You take cold ubat, Daddy. It will push the pain to the stomach." Where did that come from?!! He knows Jason takes medication for colds and its called cold tabs (tablets). So that's where the "cold ubat" came from but the other bit? Kid's say the darndest things! :)

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