Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The continuing saga of Sean's funny lines

Sean just keeps sprouting funny ideas and lines.

He was not watching the TV so I wanted to shut it off. I said, "I'm shutting off the TV, save electricity." He replied, "I can buy electricity. I have money in my coin box." :)

(Incidentally, this coin box of his is quite magical. The few dollars in coins it contains supposedly can buy an Avanza, cargo pants for my mum, lots of toys, and now, electricity! haha!)

The other day, my dad took Sean out for a spin in his Kancil. When they got home, Sean pestered my dad to bring him to the playground...in the Kancil. My dad prefered to walk there. Sean said, "I can drive. You just start the engine and I'll drive." hah!

Later that day, my dad (tired out from playing with Sean and Aidan) told Sean he's going to his room to take a nap. Not long after, my dad came down. Sean was surprised and said, "Eh? I thought you were supposed to be sleeping?"

I guess these "Sean-tales" in itself isn't really funny but what's funny is that a 3 year + old boy is saying them. Kids these days...

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