Sunday, June 24, 2007

I'm Wa-Wa (?!)

Aidan began speaking a few months ago. Simple words like "tuck" (TRUCK), "there" and "ta-dah!" (ok, so that's not really a word). But these few weeks, it seems like he's suddenly got a speech-surge and he's sprouting many new words, sometimes a new word a day. He's even begun putting 2 words together like "make tuck" (when he wants us to fix a toy truck) or "want go".

The very first person he could call was my mum. His manja "Por Por" earned him many kisses from my mum. Then he started calling Sean, "Kor Kor". Then it was my dad-in-law's turn: "pa" or "ah pa" and sometimes a proper "grandpa" and recently, my mum-in-law: "ma ma".

There were a few times when he said "Daddy".

And me? I'm "Wa-Wa". Yep, that's what the cheeky little feller calls me. Not once has he called me "mummy". His yells for "Wa-Wa" comes loud & clear when he wants me. *sigh*

So maddening.

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