Sunday, March 23, 2008

Kindy secrets

Last week, Sean & I were at his kindy playground. He was the only kid there. The rest were nearby and a few were watching him with envy (kids are only allowed at the playground if they're accompanied by a parent).

Suddenly, the two 6 year old girls who sometimes talk to him called him over. "Sean! Come! We have a secret to tell you!" They seemed excited. Sean dutifully walked over. They cupped their hands near their mouths and started telling him the secret. All I heard was, "Tell your mummy, she's...."

Secret told, they eagerly watched him to see if he'd come and tell it to me. He didn't. Just went back to playing. Of course I was curious to know the secret.

I asked Sean, "What did your friends tell you?"
Sean: Dunno.
Me: Didn't you hear what they said?
Sean: Dunno.

*sigh* The kid was totally not bothered! So like a boy to not get the whole "secret" thing! Aaarrrgghhhhhh! Curiosity kills the cat they say and at that moment, I felt like swiping claws at a nearby tree in frustration.

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