Monday, May 26, 2008

Mangoes vs Bananas

Sean used to love bananas. We used to joke that he'd go bananas at the sight of one. Unfortunately, his taste in food is changing. He used to eat all veggies and fruits but now he picks at the veggies and seem to like only certain fruits.

Anyway, one day, I was extolling the qualities of the humble banana to him. That it's got energy...brain boost...good for breakfast, etc. He listened without a word. Was quiet for a few seconds after and then he said....

"Mummy, you know ar....mangoes are very good. When you eat the mango and then you go to the playground ar, it helps you kick the ball better!"

What?! I never saw that coming! Of course it's his way of telling me that he loves mangoes and that I can't get him to eat bananas for breakfast.


butter_cookie said...

Heh. It's so him to say such a thing. Hehe. Sometimes talking to him, it's like having to prepare for a debate. The statement he made sounds like his perfect rebuttal. =)

samuelerics said...

hahha! i remember i used to ask my baby sitter for two half boiled eggs every morning... now i can't look at it!!

:) how's the world of the Tehs over there?

Khayshi said...

That's so cute! *pinch cheek*