Saturday, February 05, 2005

Sean’s Chariot

A lovely Christian couple blessed us with an almost brand new expensive stroller some months before Sean was born. Since moving to this new Taman, I have named the stroller, Sean’s Chariot.

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It all started with my parents. They started bringing Sean for evening walks in the stroller and soon it became a daily ritual. Sometimes Jason and I bring him instead of my parents. Sean of course, enjoys it. He’d grip the front bar and babble away in his baby language. He gets excited when he sees birds or a cat or a plane. He’d start kicking his legs, lean forward and make “ooh” sounds. Sometimes he’d lean back and sit quietly surveying the surroundings like a big boss.

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And then one day, my parents stopped by the playground. They put him on the swing, and those animals-on-a-spring things and he was screaming away in delight. I wasn’t with them so I did not manage to record it with the digicam. I’ll record it one of these days. Hopefully get some good shots to post here too.

1 comment:

gR@c3y said...

larrr.... so cute~!!!!!