Saturday, October 03, 2009


Children are so literal. Case in point: Sean asked his daddy one day, "If i drink a lot of water, will it wash Jesus out of my body?" Huh?! He is struggling with the idea that Jesus lives in his heart. So we get these kinda questions once in a while. Sure keeps us on our toes! :)
"I ask interesting questions don't I?"


Gladys said...

he's so handsome in this pic...:)

Liz Teh said...

Yeah :) It's the first pic of him with such a natural smile! I'm trying to build his self esteem which has taken quite a bashing from the many ardent Aidan admirers.

Vijay Eswaran said...

Wow..a seriously childlike innocence..
Love your blog.

Liz Teh said...

Hello Mr. Eswaran,

Thank u for dropping by and your kind comments. May I know how you found my blog? :)