Saturday, October 03, 2009

When I grow up, I wanna be...

Most of us remember our childhood dreams. What we wanna be when we grow up. More often than not, those dreams change as we age and acquire new interests or new insights on life. I can't remember my childhood dreams. I put it down to sleep deprivation!

Anyway, the other day, Sean asked me (with a very serious expression), "Mummy what do u think I can be when i grow up?" "Anything you want, as long as you work at it," I replied. "3 of my friends in class wanna be policemen when they grow up." "What about you?" I asked. "Me? I wanna be...."

He paused and thought and I waited with bated breath. This is the first "I wanna be" conversation with my firstborn and it's so meaningful!

"I wanna be....Optimus Prime!" he said and burst into cheeky laughter.

*sigh* *Rips the page off the invisible book of nostalgia, crumples it and throws it away*

"This is my Autobot face."


Vijay Eswaran said...

It's seriously funny..
Kids are so cute aren't they..:)

.:Ja-Nice:. said...

hahaha can't wait for Joshua to learn how to talk now! kids really do say the darndest things!! you're soooo blessed to have two cute sweety-pies to brighten up ur days, liz!! :)