Sunday, November 05, 2006

Tom & Jerry

A few months ago, Sean suddenly asked for a pet tortoise. He bugged my dad so much & that very evening (granddads can work wonders) my dad came home with 2 small tortoises. Needless to say, Sean was terribly excited.

He faithfully fed them each day but left the cleaning of the aquarium to his dad - smart choice. Every few days he'll tell his dad, "Daddy the tortoises dirty edi. Please wash!"

My dad asked him to name the tortoises. He was rather stumped. So, my dad gave him a choice of "Jack & Jill" or "Tom & Jerry". He chose "Tom & Jerry". At Sean's age, gender isn't a big deal so we all happily call the pets Tom & Jerry without knowing for sure if they're both males. haha!

Sean's been watching Animal Planet. Lately, he's been saying, "Must ask kongkong (that's my dad) buy shark!" Or elephant, or snake, or crocodile....whatever animal's being featured that day! One day it was an elephant and so I asked him, "The elephant is so big! Where will it stay?" He thought a bit & replied, "Elephant can sleep on daddy's bed!" I laughed my head off! And he continued, "can eat worms!" See, to Sean, all animals eat worms! hahaha!

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Tom & Jerry

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