Saturday, November 25, 2006

Blowing his own trumpet

One day, not too long ago, Aidan found a toy trumpet in the toy box. He got curious and after a demo by someone (I can't remember who!) he tried it himself. He put his lips to the mouthpiece and blew. And there was sound! Yeah, it was a "cheap-plastic-toy-squeak-kinda-sound" but he was hooked!

He kept blowing the lil toy trumpet day after day. Mind you, there was lots of drool produced in this daily endeavour! My parents were tickled pink and thought he was rather smart cos most babies his age don't really get the concept of blowing into an instrument.

And then one day, Aidan decided to whack the trumpet on the floor besides just blowing it and the mouthpiece cracked. That was the end of his short career as a trumpeteer! haha!

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