Saturday, November 19, 2005

After a long silence...Sean's birthday do

Wow! It's been 7 months since my last entry. So much has happened since. BIG things and the mundane every day stuff that keeps one busy, busy, busy.

I promised news on Sean's birthday party (and photos). Let's see what I can recall.

First - the birthday cake. Jason & I wanted something special (as most parents are wont to do for their firstborn's 1st birthday bash). Since Sean loved aeroplanes we decided to get a cake shaped like one. We tried a few bakeries but was surprised to find out that they don't custom make cakes like that anymore and the ones available are the usual round or square ones with cartoons like Garfiels, Power Puff girls, Doraemon - aaarggghhh!!. Finally, we found a bakery willing to oblige us but they have never made an "aeroplane cake" before and have no sample. So, Jason searched the net for samples, found a nice, yellow plane and passed the photo to the bakery. We were quite happy with the cake la (it wasn't super delicious - plain chocolate cake - but design-wise it turned out ok) but it did cost us a bomb. Anyway, there was so much of it left, it stayed in our fridge for months! haha!

Then there was the weather. The party was held at night but because there were so many of those irritating insects - the kind attracted to light - we had no choice but to close the door. Suffice to say it was really stiffling and hot. I'm thankful no one fainted! We opened the doors after a while but it was still rather hot.

The birthday boy was garbed in his first pair of jeans and shirt. He was really excited that there were so many people in his home though I bet he had no idea what the fuss was all about. He enjoyed ripping the presents open and his cousin Chloe (2 months younger than him) enjoyed having rides on the lil bike his grandma got him. :)

Overall, I'd say we all had fun. Cleaning up was really tiring though!

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(Kudos to Allan - Jason's bro - for this lovely, eye-catching "banner". I wanted something simple and nice and this pretty much fits the bill. He used crepe paper. We left it on the wall for months after the party!)

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(Sean and his grandparents. My parents on the right, Jason's on the left.)

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(Sean's first pair of shoes. Cute eh? He wore it at the party.)

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