Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Someone said to me, "Cancer is like the common cold these days." She's right. The dreaded disease is common these days and its taking lives "like nobody's business".

Early this month, a family friend went home to be with the Lord. She had cancer. Last week, another family friend died of cancer. I lost my beloved "kung-kung" (grandpa) and my dad lost his brother within few months of each other in 2005 - both died of lung cancer.

It makes me mad and it makes me sad. And also scared. Tales of how painful it is and the thought of how it tears one from loved ones scares the hell out of me. And there's no cure. Doctors can't figure out what makes a cell mutate and turn cancerous. The best bet is early detection and treatment they say. And they say that science is progressing all the time and they are working furiously for a cure. But nothing in this world is ever 100% sure or foolproof. The only hope we have is Jesus.

So, yeah, I hate cancer. And I pray it will never take me or anymore of my loved ones in its claws of death.

1 comment:

Ulquiorra said...

I hate cancer with a burning passion. It took my brother away.