Sunday, February 11, 2007

Aidan's 1st birthday

Aidan turned one years old on 19 December 2006. I looked at him and found it hard to believe that the little baby I cared for entirely on my own (for the first few months) was now a toddler. We had a party for him on the 15th of December.

That day didn't start well. I had contracted a lady to clean house for me that morning. Jason went to pick her up but she did not show up. Couldn't get through to her handphone either. I had called her more than once to make arrangements & remind her. We were very frustrated. So, we had to clean house ourselves. It's not that we could not do it. We just wanted less on our plate so that we wouldn't be so tired & stressed (lesson learnt from pass birthday parties).

And then there was the food. The last birthday party we held, there wasn't enough food. So, we didn't want to make the same mistake this time. Unfortunately, the people who cooked the food were a bit too generous and we ended up with so much leftover. Managed to give quite a lot of it away but we still had to eat the same food for the following 2 days. haha!

Aidan enjoyed himself running after food (yup, that's Aidan) and paddling his new three-wheeler ala the Flintstones. When it came to cake cutting time, he left his mark. I was carrying him and got too close to the cake. He took a swipe at it...with his foot! I had to cut that portion off. Everyone was laughing. It's just so Aidan. Always curious and getting his hands (and feet) into things.

After almost everyone had gone home, we cleaned up with the help of a very, dear friend. We were so tired by then. Aidan was tired too and Jason put him in the "sarong" to sleep. I was in the kitchen then and was shocked to hear a crash followed by Aidan's cry of pain. Somehow the spring holder that the "sarong" was attached to gave way & Aidan crashed to the floor. Poor fella was crying hard for a while but there weren't any injuries, thank God. What a way to end his first birthday party.

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The birthday boy on his brand new tricycle.

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Sean, up close & personal.

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The toe-test; the most stringent test in baking history. Haha!

One of the things I miss the most

You know how a particular smell or song can trigger a memory? Well, I experienced something like that about 2 months ago. Only, it wasn't just one song & it triggered more than a memory.

We were visiting a church that Sunday. During worship, the songs they sang weren't new but by the second song, there was just something in the atmosphere that triggered such a longing in me. It was like someone pulled apart heavy curtains & windows to let sunshine & fresh air in. I could worship freely. I felt such liberty in that place. The longing I felt was akin to a dry well being filled again. I remembered what it was like to experience such worship and wanted it again.

And then several ladies up front took up timbrels with long ribbons and danced. When I saw the ribbons in the air, the longing deepened. I used to dance with a timbrel too. Many years ago. The songs, the brought back what I've missed so dearly - the worship experience in an atmosphere of freedom.