Tuesday, July 18, 2006

More Sean-isms

Sean sitting on the throne (doing business), holds a squash ball to his nose and says: This kinda thing smells!
(huh? The ball or the....?)

Sean sticking his overturned car with Ali Baba cards: Mummy, I repair my car!
Mummy: Oh, what technology are you using?
Sean: Psychology!

Sean to his kungkung: Kucing eat fish, and tomatoes and tou miao (a kind of veg) !

Was gonna wash him up one morning and he says: Let's take off this smelly pampers!

Sean announces one day: My bicycle is stubborn!
And a little later: My car is very stubborn!
(I have no idea why!)

Jason went to Penang sometime in May to wor. Since then, Sean has been fascinated with Penang. Here are some of his "Penang remarks".

Sean: I drive van, go Penang.
Mummy: Oh? For what?
Sean: I work!
Mummy: What work?
Sean: Sell food!
(for the life of me, I have no idea how he thought of that reply!)

Another day, he again says he'll go Penang to work. This time it's to "do computer". Must be because he sees Jason repairing PCs!

Last week, he again announces he's going Penang. This time Jason converses with him...
Jason: Oh? When will you be back?
Sean: This week.
Jason: What day?
Sean: Thursday.
Jason: What time?
Sean: 12 O'clock!
(We had such a laugh! All his answers "pakai tembak only" but was so candid and funny!)

My mum scolded him cos he was just too busy running around, messing things...
Por por: You ar, tak senang!
Sean: Memang tak senang!
(This caught us by surprise cos we didn't know he knew the word "memang")

Sean to Aidan when Aidan scooted down from the bed to the floor ...
Sean: Aidan, you so terrible. So cranky! So cranky-ble!

Will add more when I can remember...


You watch over me
And most days, Lord, what do You see?
Here I go again, running at the first sign of pain
When the best place for me to be is here
In Your arms
You carry me
But it seems I can't stay longer
Than it takes to talk it out
Then it's off I go again
My solutions, my strength
Till I run out, fall down and
Here I am again, come to complain
I know You want me to stay
Let things go
Your way
More than listen, You're working
In me
So that I learn to stay
Here, with You
To learn, to obey, to love
You watch over me